Save the Date
for the 3rd annual
Montana Herbal Festival
September 20-21, 2025
More info coming soon!
Join us for a weekend of Herbal Education & Celebration
ᐧ Classes ᐧ Demos ᐧ Plant Walks ᐧ Music ᐧ Art ᐧ Marketplace
Welcome to the Montana Herbal Festival, an annual gathering in Missoula, Montana dedicated to the exchange of herbal knowledge, fostering connections with native plant medicines, and promoting respectful stewardship of our environment.
Get Involved & Grow with Us!
Teach a Class
Do you have a class to share or a medicine making process to demonstrate? We invite you to apply to share with our growing community.
Join our Marketplace
Showcase your herbal products, botanical wares, or educational resources at our herbal inspired Marketplace.
Perform at the Festival
If you’re a musician, poet, or storyteller, and are interested in sharing your gifts at our event, we invite you to apply!
Volunteer with Us
Interested in lending a hand during the event or helping with the planning and prep? There are many roles to suite your time and schedule.
Donate to our Raffle
We have an exciting raffle during the festival to help us raise funds so we can keep doing this year after year. Click the link to find out more!
Become a Sponsor
If you’re interested in making a financial contribution, please reach out. We couldn't do this without the support of our generous sponsors.
Our Wonderful Sponsors